Aurora, n. | 1. the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. 2. (l.c.) the rise or dawn of something. |
The Aurora design team (a subgroup of Library Information Technologies) has intentionally engineered the Web pages on this server to be attractive and functional in any Web browser, from Lynx to the latest version of Mosaic. However, we recommend the use of Netscape 2.02 or later.
We'd love to hear from you and what you think about the Aurora Project (otherwise known as the CWRU campus Web server).
Aurora Help
How to use the server, how to get an account for your department or organization, critically acclaimed HTML tutorials, a CWRU graphics library, and several other handy reference links. Note: this will not provide help for individual pages; only the page maintainers can be of assistance when it comes to content they provide!
Credits and Acknowledgements
We never would have gotten as far as we have if we'd had to go it alone, and so we'd like to take a moment to recognize some of the people we have to thank for all this.
Usage Statistics
Look over statistics from previous months, or take a look at this month's statistics (as of 12:01am this morning).
Aurora Project History
A short overview of the birth, growth, and arrival of the Aurora Project as a full-fledged campus-wide information system.
About the Aurora Server
All the technical details about what programs and utilities we're running, what it's all running on, and so forth.